@InProceedings{JaffkeOliveira2018, author = {Jaffke, Lars and Oliveira, Mateus de Oliveira}, title = {On Weak Isomorphism of Rooted Vertex-Colored Graphs}, booktitle = {Proceedings 44th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG '18)}, editor = {Brandst\"{a}dt, Andreas and K\"{o}hler, Ekkehard and Meer, Klaus}, pages = {266--278}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)}, volume = {11159}, month = {June 27 - 29,}, address = {Cottbus, Germany}, year = {2018}, } @InProceedings{JaffkeOliveira2018-short, author = {Jaffke, Lars and Oliveira, Mateus de Oliveira}, title = {On Weak Isomorphism of Rooted Vertex-Colored Graphs}, booktitle = {WG '18}, pages = {266--278}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {11159}, year = {2018}, }